CFA China Life+|Work-Life Balance 技能充电站-图书阅读CFA®持证人专属福利!
A Voyage through the Sea of Books, A Feast of Knowledge.
Searching for the spark of wisdom in the sea of books, shedding the hustle and bustle of daily life to dance with the pages!
CFA China Life+:我们希望大家在工作之余卸下压力,回归生活,实现 Work-Life Balance。我们推出一些度假、亲子、户外等生活化活动,希望你能够享受其中,这也是我们所倡导的绿色健康生活方式!
CFA China Life+: This program aims to help everyone takes off the pressure after work and achieve a work-life balance. We've launched a series of lifestyle activities such as vacation, parent-child, outdoor, etc., hope you can enjoy them, and follow the green & healthy lifestyle we advocate!